The publication of the latest board minutes has claimed that disruptive homeowners prevented the Board from conducting its business.
The “disruptions” occurred during the open board meeting on September 24th. Peter Webb tried to shut down questions and comments from the homeowners present and requested that the room be cleared. He demanded a vote by the board to force the homeowners to leave. Only 3 members voted to try to clear the room (Peter Webb, Norm Stoehr and Russ Holowachuk). The vote failed. Two more questions were allowed and then Peter Webb closed down the open session when there were still homeowners waiting to speak. A follow up letter from board member Norm Stoehr, (an “unpaid elected volunteer ”) was sent to all homeowners. This letter painted a picture of a chaotic scene in the Master’s Lounge. Norm was not even present and there were no cameras pointed at homeowners.
The Blog would like to hear your comments
9/27/2021 16 Comments "Open board meeting" /Zoom onlyThe agenda for the next special board meeting is now ZOOM only.
THIS IS NOT AN OPEN MEETING This raises a few questions:
The blog would like to hear your thoughts. A new rule out for review will give the the HOA the power to shut down homeowners who have rental properties with any outstanding fines or assessments. The board has scheduled a special open meeting on Thursday, September 30th at 9:00 am ,in the Masters Lounge, to allow homeowners to speak in the open session before they vote to accept, reject or modify this new proposed rule. This raises a few questions that the board needs to address at the Board Meeting: Why did the board feel that it needed to single out Rentals Owners? Do rental owners represent a higher risk of not paying their fines? Do homeowners with rentals represent a higher Collection risk? If the Bylaws allow rentals, how can the HOA write new rules to shutdown rentals? Attend the meeting in person or through the Zoom application and see if these questions are answered. The blog would like to hear your thoughts. Norm Stoehr our HOA Board Vice President just sent out a notice to all homeowners.
In case you are not on his mailing list the content of this email is shown below: "Our property values, community reputation and general appearance have never been better. What else matters? The haters will hate, no matter what. Vote them mute. Vote NO to recalling Board President Peter Webb. Thank you."
The Blog received this note from a homeowner:
My name is Rick. I am a Homeowner at Desert Princess. I had a 7:15 tee time and was playing 18 holes with a friend. After the first nine we stopped at the snack bar to get some food before finishing the second 9 holes. I was met at the Snack bar by Rand from the pro shop who screamed at me to “get back on the golf course immediately” and stating, “ there are people behind you”. I said, we are getting food and will resume playing. He then said get on the course immediately again. My response was that you have no right to talk to me that way. I have never been verbally accosted like that and was so upset I left the course and did not play the second 9 holes. I expect the golf staff to treat members and their guests in a professional manner. On any other course, the starter would have let the next group continue and schedule my second 9 after my break. I hope that the Country Club will handle this problem and address this unacceptable behavior from Rand, a Country Club employee. The Blog would like to know:
The HOA has added a new collection rule that outlines the steps the HOA can take if a homeowner is not “A Member in Good Standing”. The rule as written only applies to rental homeowners and does not address non-rental members.
This raises the questions:
To see the new proposed rule, click the link below and look at the last item( 23) Have you seen the email with the recall petition? In case you missed that email, the links to the recall Letter and petition are provided below:
Recall Letter: Recall Petition: This raises a number of questions:
CharterThis blog is designed as a means to provide transparency and informative access to the policies and protocols of the Desert Princess Palm Springs Homeowners Association, the governance of the HOA Board of Directors and the management of the community’s assets by The Management Trust. The expressed intent is to establish a neighborhood hub for trusted connections and the exchange of helpful information, goods, and services; it is hoped that homeowners will use it to build a stronger and safer Desert Princess Palm Springs. PLEDGE
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