12/6/2021 19 Comments The HOA Recall OutcomeThe recall of Peter Webb is now over. There were 685 homeowners that voted. 314 Homeowners voted to recall Peter and 370 voted to keep him. This means that almost half of the homeowners that voted believed that the recall was warranted. Peter now has one more year on the board and likely will want to remain as President of our HOA. As homeowners, we can hope that Peter now understands that he represents every homeowner and he narrowly escaped being recalled. The questions going forward are:
The Blog would like to know your thoughts.
Mary Maloney
12/6/2021 08:57:57 pm
With over HALF of ALL homeowners actually voting, and over 1/4 of ALL homeowners voting to recall the HOA President, I hope this sends a clear message to the board that the community is paying attention. EYES WIDE OPEN.
Kevin crockett
12/6/2021 09:12:20 pm
I continue to see the word "diversity" in these posts from the pro recall constituents. This is a politically devisive term that has been overused in our political system. Can someone clarify for me how this community represses diversity, and how the BOD has supported this repression? It sounds like Woke BS to me.
12/7/2021 01:57:30 pm
My guess is that in this case, they mean "diversity" of homeowners on committees ( as I have heard that spoken of. )
Disenfranchised Homeowner
12/6/2021 09:16:40 pm
Now that you are back on the property (after a 19 month absence) and you survived the recall…
12/6/2021 10:07:58 pm
This has been a monumental waste of all our time and resources. The real question is, when will you end this madness and accept that the MAJORITY of home owners don’t agree with you. Will YOU and those who have launched this farce accept defeat and quit wasting our time and resources on this. Question asked, question answered. MOVE ON!!
12/7/2021 01:54:13 pm
I respectfully disagree with your calling it a farce. It is a legal process available for good reason.
12/7/2021 09:04:36 am
It really appears as though some person or small group of people has been personally offended by Mr Webb and made it their pet project to try to remove him. My observations continue to be that this group is disingenuous.
12/7/2021 10:39:23 am
Hi. My name is Benji and I am a 18 month old puppy. I am in desperate need of a temporary home. ( preferably a Villa ) I am so afraid my owner Peter is going to discover that I was a member of Respect4all and I voted for the recall. I'm not so afraid of the huge fines I will be assessed because I don't have any pockets to carry money in any how but the possibility of going to a dog pound really freaks me out. I am always reminded that my owner is the President of the Board and it is unwise to disagree with him. Just glad I'm not a girl dog. Please help if you can.
Bobby B
12/8/2021 11:37:54 am
As we all know, the Recall of Peter Webb resulted in 314 homeowners voting to remove him from the board of directors. It wasn't quite enough to accomplish the task, but it should serve as a wake up call to him and the other board members who are disrespectful and who are pushing through punitive policies that penalize and fine homeowners for infractions that in no way warrant $5000 to $15,000 fines.
Michelle Simson
12/8/2021 03:24:23 pm
Bobby B, you articulated beautifully what prompted this recall initiative, a mechanism available to owners concerned about the community governance.
12/8/2021 03:54:16 pm
Simply well said. No opinion - just facts (as frightening as they are). Thank you Bobby B.
Terry Albright
12/8/2021 05:18:19 pm
You said it all Bobby. You articulated precisely what the committee understood and attempted to relate to the homeowners. Given the fact that half of the homeowners didn't bother to vote ( historically no surprise ) the final tally shows that homeowners are tuning in and will continue to be a force to reckon with. Your comments along the way were astute and appreciated by many. Thank you so much.
12/8/2021 03:23:44 pm
I am perplexed to see Russ H's name on the candidate list.
Vivian Wilson
12/12/2021 05:58:38 am
This new landscaping policy is absurd. Why aren’t the villa owners included in this new proposal ? How many seasonal condo owners are there in DP who won’t be here to clean up each time our trees and bushes are trimmed ? Why propose a 5 million dollar project to beautify DP when every golfer will see neglected patios throughout the complex ? Will we be fined if we are not here to clean up the mess ? It’s not even like we can hire someone to clean our patios in our absence because the work schedules constantly change. Or better yet, the condo homeowners who rent will likely bear the cost for more workers to clean because after all it’s the renters who make the most mess.
12/12/2021 10:57:47 am
These are very good points made Vivian. Why would we spend $5 MILLION dollars to update landscaping when they don't want to take care of what we have? What is the point?! It makes no sense. Sounds like a vanity project to me. We have structural issues that need attention. Pools that need rehab that look like Motel 6. Why don't we take care of what we already have first?!
12/12/2021 01:26:36 pm
All the concerns raised with respect to the multi-million dollar landscape project that we will have to go into debt for are extremely well-taken.
12/18/2021 12:29:25 pm
I for one, am 100% interested in being able to extend the landscaping across my back patio at my own expense. I am also 100% not interested in having me fees go up, getting an assessment or watching reserves go read to "upgrade" landscaping when there is a cut-back on what already exists. Also, while the annual plantings look nice by the gate etc, I don't need them by my house. They die off quickly, they are not planted deep enough, they are places haphazardly, and I wind up having to yank most of them out myself. Perhaps we can cut back on that (yes, I realize just not planting by house won't change a thing, but I may not be alone!)
12/12/2021 03:15:14 pm
The above comments seem to add up to one thing in my opinion. At current operating costs DP lacks the resources to operate without cutting back services and/or increasing HOA fees. I will certainly not vote to borrow over $5,000,000 for a vanity project when condo owners will now be responsible for the clean up of vegetation tailings around their units. We need to look at replacing our for profit landscape contractor. We need to actually attract the public to our golf courses and our restaurant. We need to look at replacing our management firm with one that has a vision about utilizing our facilities to create revenue streams. We need to grow our reserve funds instead of borrowing money for god knows what. I'm a 80% disabled vet who is not up for landscaping work. Has anyone here actually lived on a budget?
12/18/2021 12:30:16 pm
Agree 100% Terry.
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