We are experiencing a dramatic increase in crime on our Desert Princess property.
Here are some examples:
This raises a number of questions:
2/6/2022 08:32:31 pm
You would think with all the focus and effort the Board spent on Vacation Rentals this would have solved the problem.
Bernadette Wheeler
2/6/2022 08:49:59 pm
On Saturday afternoon I witnessed a small red car who did not have to stop in the visitor lane at the front gate; she drove right up to the gate and the gate button was pushed by security and she was allowed to go through. The car was not made to check in, the car did not have a transponder, and the car did not have a visible visiting pass. The security personnel at no point moved from his chair, or make any gesture to attempt to stop the vehicle.
2/6/2022 08:54:19 pm
Crime on the rise. I have been a resident of Desert Princess since 2001. When first moving into the country club, there were a total of 8 patrol officers 24/7. Between 2001 and 2008, numerous times had crime within the walls of the Princess been excessive, including a robbery at my home on S. Natoma Way, which was found out to have been related to landscape and patrol personnel involvement. Another time we had a condo across from the Maintenace Shed, and while construction for a remodel was underway, our unit was broken into twice, and tools stolen overnight. Since the reduction of patrol staff and the loss of Citizens on Patrol, crime has indeed become an issue within the Desert Princess yet once again. Poor decisions made by management and HOA board, are a direct cause of this issue. As HOA dues increase, what is criminal, is that there is no accountability for mismanagement of grounds staff, hours and their duties as hired. In addition, the cross pollination of HOA expenses and Golf Course passed on to homeowners, even though the majority of homeowners are not golf club members, those parties subsidize the expense, whereas if membership to the club had an initiation fee and market rate dues, homeowners would not have the burden, and thus loss of funds to facilitate proper security patrol for the size of the grounds. Cathedral City oddly has a very low cars on duty per capita, and private security is going to be the answer, along with keeping an eye on well screened employees. Just a note: Cathedral Canyon Country Club has had the same pool equipment thefts. Information should be shared between the two crime victims by Police investigators.
Ivan Farber
2/6/2022 09:14:20 pm
Personally I really enjoy the delivery services and there needs to be a way to make those services available for all residents and for all types of reasons. One very important reason is that a person may be ill and need food delivered to their home. That being said there needs to be a better way of policing who comes in and out. I did find a convenient that we are allowed to permanently allow entry to a particular company such as Uber eats but as we all know that leads to drivers having unlimited access to our property. There are a lot of drivers when you add them all up. I think we need to address that issue quickly and come up with a better solution even if it’s as simple as you have to call the person in each and every time you place an order. I wouldn’t have a problem with that.
4/2/2022 11:06:36 am
In my opinion, ALL PEOPLE entering the property should have to sign in AND out. and produce an ID then they should have to stop and sign out at the window when they leave.
2/6/2022 09:54:58 pm
Amen. Where in God’s green earth is our leadership board members? Security is job one for them. No specific messages only general broadcasts. My garage was hit and the door destroyed. What the hell id being done? We have no idea.
2/6/2022 11:04:01 pm
Why is everything a big secret around here..,
2/8/2022 11:29:11 am
Why are the board meetings ZOOM only? Daily I get emails that indicate there are golf tourneys, fashions shows etc all of which are not via ZOOM. So the COVID excuse no longer usable if everything BUT the board mtgs are live?
2/7/2022 04:57:27 am
I recently arrived at Desert Princess at asked for an owner’s pass at the main gate. The young lady asked for my name and address, and cheerfully handed over the pass. I said “Whoa, don’t you want my password?” She looked at me with a vacant look as I explained that if it weren’t for the password, anyone who knows a name and address could get a pass (and drive off with property). She explained that it was only her second day as I drove away. Perhaps Allied needs to do better.
2/7/2022 12:51:52 pm
They will blame it on the rental owners and deem it necessary to steel more money from them. (Yes, this is meant sarcastically... but don't kid yourself, with this board, it is not that far fetched!)
2/7/2022 03:33:30 pm
I flew in Saturday morning to visit our home and when I got to the gate in my Lyft security asked for my password...I totally forgot what it was so I said "I don't know"...he said "ok, have a nice day" and opened the gate. Then I was thinking.....if I knew my password no way in hell was I going to say it in front of the Lyft driver or he would now have my name, address and password.
Ken Muraco
2/7/2022 06:07:36 am
Just wonderful! And you all think long term rentals are a problem and should be charged $350 a year?
2/7/2022 12:54:58 pm
Yep, it's the rental owners fault. Everything here gets blamed on the rental owners. lol
4/2/2022 11:10:02 am
yes, it IS ridiculous! what they should have approved instead of a vehicle for patrol was a couple of golf carts and patrol should be actually "patroling" all night long in golf carts, looking for people casing the condos and villas with flashlights. The break ins are occuring off the back patios and through the kitchen windows. patrol sits on their asses parked on the streets at night. I have observed this numerous times
Leila Tweed
2/7/2022 07:26:24 am
Desert Princess is only as safe as our weakest link of security. We have 2 main guard gate entrances, but the area where the golf cart barn is located is open all day long for anyone to walk on to the property. Anyone coming on to our property should be required to go through a security gate. At least a security person standing at the Landau entrance gate to check that those entering are going to play a round of golf. This is definitely a “weak” link in our security.
2/7/2022 07:54:53 am
Allied Security needs to do a better job securing the property. I do not think there are enough patrols, especially after dark.
2/7/2022 12:56:44 pm
What happened to the additional car DP was going to purchase with the money they stole from the rental owners?
Tom Rosa
2/7/2022 08:05:00 am
A few years ago I had left my garage door open as I was working on a project. I opened the door and I found a "security" human in my garage. he acted sheepish and said he was going to knock and let me know my door was open it was 2 PM. Two days later my vehicle was stolen from my driveway and I found the spare set of keys missing from my garage. Now was that a coincidence ? Of course not. When I asked to look at the camera footage Security said it was too blurry to determine who was driving. Inside Job Now two sets of Brand New pool pumps and heaters goes missing. Does anyone NOT suspect that its an Inside Job ? Thieves just happened upon " brand new" equipment ? I don't think so. Allied Security is culpable since there screening process is ZERO.
Mike Bettelli
2/7/2022 08:11:03 am
Why is there no exit transponder at the Landau gate?
Sherry May
2/7/2022 09:21:54 am
Thank you for this blog.
2/7/2022 12:58:56 pm
2/7/2022 01:35:20 pm
It seems rather apparent that the Board has been less than diligent in reporting to the owners, the exact nature and frequency of criminal activity in Desert Princess. The advisory they remitted last week was a generic, limp attempt to avoid presenting the residents with the true picture here by alluding to the fact this crime spree was being experienced all over the valley.
Terry Albright
2/7/2022 04:57:19 pm
We are supposed to have controlled entry here at DP. We have noticed that the exit lanes at Vista Chino gate are wide open much of the time. Plus there does not appear to be a transponder reader on the Landau exit gate. If we want real security here at DP we need to put homeowner convenience back a peg and raise homeowner security forward a peg. A false sense of security here at DP makes theft easier for the thieves which means thefts will continue to increase here. Security procedures need to be re-thought as well as perhaps our security contractor. It is not an issue of lack of funds as we all pay plenty. A lack of transparency by our "leadership" comes to mind. Why is everything so secret here like "no loan lists and serious theft and garage break-ins? Do we need more lighting?
2/8/2022 11:39:25 am
GOOD point Terry. I for one, feel (don't know) that there is someone on the inside helping the thieves. Think about it...how does someone get into DP, go directly to the two new pool pumps (when there are multiple pools here), dismantle TWO pool filtering systems, lug them into a truck and drive right out the gate without ANYONE seeing any part of this???!!! How did they get in? How did they get out? How did they know exactly which two pumps were brand new? How did they know how to safely dismantle it? How did they know the best time of day/night to do this? NO ONE knows...not on camera, not the gate guards? Who put the pumps in? The first place I would look: who put them in, who was on duty the night/day they got stolen, who gets to see the security cam footage, should the camera's be aimed to ping license plates vs "blurry faces"??? Was CC police called??
Tom Rosa
2/8/2022 08:38:52 am
One more thing.... I noticed MANY contractors / pool service / Etc. coming in the Landau gate using a transponder. The Management Trust and Board might want to "turn off" / deactivate those transponders. Yes, it will be an inconvenience to the vendors but at least Security will "log in" vendors on property. This is seems to be a no brainer. But the Management Trust and Board don't care enough to do something about it. Wash Rinse Repeat
2/8/2022 06:40:00 pm
As both a resident and a rental owner, I was very disappointed by Mark Brown's message today. I think that spoke volumes about where he stands on the subject of rentals. And, it was very much off putting that he would shame someone or a group for supporting him. Enough said. That spoke volumes. On top of that, the fact that he is ok with the crap the current board members have been doing, that says all I need to know.
2/9/2022 09:48:05 pm
2 points of concern. Where are the 45 cameras and when did Tony Soprano move in
2/10/2022 04:10:55 pm
Ours have not been big losses, but we have had two gas bottles stolen from off our BBQs in the past year. We chained the new one to the Webber. Now I fear the entire BBQ will be stolen. We are on E Portales next to the fence.
2/12/2022 03:06:25 pm
Pool pumps/motors, driving range buckets and balls, golf carts...what's next? Catalytic converters? Copper piping? Pool furniture? Silverware from Mountain View Grille?
2/16/2022 09:05:28 am
DP just sent out a notice to everyone about adding double security patrols here at DP. They mentioned the exact days of the week for these patrols and the exact times the patrols would start and end. Who do you think would be the most interested in the information. Duh. THIEVES! Letting us at DP know that additional patrols have been added was all we needed to know. Telling us thru the post the exact days and times for these added patrols tells the thieves the best times hit us. How stupid is that?
2/16/2022 01:17:51 pm
Nothing like letting the fox KNOW when then hens are available for picking off eh?? Is is time for homeowners to create their own patrol? Though not sure who wants to take the 3AM shift. Truly though, camera's are not super expensive and well placed (PING LICENSE PLATES), active 24-7, with footage available to anyone who owns property here, would do FAR more than adding a couple of ride arounds by minimum wage kids (not all fall into this category), looking at their phones instead of actually keeping an eye on things. When is the last time the security company was vetted? Is it time for a RFP and maybe look into another company?
2/18/2022 09:18:59 am
We should not assume that the email the HOA uses to communicate with homeowners is secure, nor should we assume that anyone living at DP is not a part of the issue. Mentioning added patrols is sufficient. Mentioning the days of the week and the hours these patrols are planned is stupid. Like Cyndie said, telling the foxes the best time to come get the chickens is a bonehead move.
2/23/2022 11:03:06 pm
URGENT MATTER! how do I start a new blog? The board has proposed a new "slab leak protocol" yet there has been no discussion of that here and they vote on it Friday. this is a crucial issue and no one even understands it so I would like to bring it up so people can protest it immediately or else all the condo owners will be screwed when it passes.
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CharterThis blog is designed as a means to provide transparency and informative access to the policies and protocols of the Desert Princess Palm Springs Homeowners Association, the governance of the HOA Board of Directors and the management of the community’s assets by The Management Trust. The expressed intent is to establish a neighborhood hub for trusted connections and the exchange of helpful information, goods, and services; it is hoped that homeowners will use it to build a stronger and safer Desert Princess Palm Springs. PLEDGE
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