10/13/2021 17 Comments Recall Facts vs TestimonialsDo you know that Peter Webb’s term as a board member expires February of 2023? The recall will terminate his position immediately.
Once the recall petition was accepted by the HOA Board (9/13/21), the Board of Elections manages the recall election just like the yearly board elections. The Board is no longer directly involved. Why are the testimonials only from current/ previous board members and existing board appointed committee members? The recall committee has been providing facts. Why has the board only addressed the fact that non-profits cannot take tax credits? Does this mean that the rest of the recall facts are correct? The recall committee is being called “armchair quarterbacks”. Who has been an “Armchair Quarterback” for last 19 months, Peter Webb? The Blog would like to hear your thoughts.
grace roy
10/13/2021 02:07:44 pm
this is more a question than comment - since we live there less than 5 months out of the year I feel a little disconnected but want to have a voice in the vote - can you give me details about when the vote it and how I submit my vote. Also - I've been readying the blog and the info is concerning. is there a way to hear "the other side" of things? I find that usually - somewhere in the middle lies the truth. I appreciate your efforts to keep us all informed in a friendly and non threatening manner.
Tom Rosa
10/13/2021 02:08:28 pm
As a long time resident I will make the following reflections / comments. Being on the board is a thankless job. With that said it also requires competence. We have been on this property for 19 years. It has never looked as shabby as it does now. To be candid, the problem I feel lies with The Management Trust. They are a bloated manager with ZERO concern for the homeowners. Any and all interactions with the " office staff" is met with contempt and dismissiveness. The fact that we dare to ask questions or ask for something not on "their" time fame is met with a blank stare. Meanwhile we pay for them to provide us with service. The homeowners are entitled to ALL of the information we request. ITS OUR MONEY. I wouldn't know Peter Webb if I tripped over him, but it seems he fits the "sit down and shut up" mentality of an elected official. That does not work for me and I assume most of the homeowners. So, what to do ? Perhaps a recall might stir things up ,but until the board starts working for ALL of the homeowners not just their pack of cohorts it will be Wash Rinse Repeat.
10/13/2021 03:01:07 pm
My heart goes out to you that you are at the breaking point of choosing to sell. I completely understand your feelings. I have contemplated the same. When we invested in Desert Princess and we chose it for vacation spot and our future retirement home, we based that decision off of what we had been told it was. Sadly, shortly after we purchased, things seemed to steamroll into chaos. I have never seen such dysfunctional HOA board members (except for Bill of course), with a dictator of a board president and such a disorganized management company. The ALC committee is the same. The culture at DP needs to change. Many of the people "at the top" at DP are just plain mean spirited. Just because they are volunteers, doesn't make them good people. Power hungry people also "volunteer."
Michelle Simson
10/13/2021 06:56:26 pm
Mary Maloney
10/26/2021 09:11:28 am
Sorry to hear that you are leaving our community, but I think your feelings are being reflected by many. Did anyone else notice the number of listings that went up after the dues increase?
10/13/2021 02:21:54 pm
Disappointed in the Blogger & the Recall Poster
10/13/2021 02:44:14 pm
So here are my observation thus far. Credible past and present board members have shown class and have come across as honest in their comments and responses to the blogs and recall emails. I believe they are providing facts and have defended the exaggerations and misinformation well. I have come to believe the person that publishes the bog is the same person heading up the recall posts. Someone very unhappy about investor owners being asked to pay more for the added expenses incurred by the rentals.
10/13/2021 04:27:17 pm
In regard to the blog and its threads: You are welcome to write into the blog with topics that are important to you.
10/13/2021 06:17:13 pm
Peter Webb has increased spending by $2.1 MILLION over the last 3 years.
10/14/2021 11:07:21 pm
Remember the past. The comment above was " The board and president were elected by the majority to represent their best interest. And I think they have done that. " Absolutely not true! In one recent incident, this year! Remember! We had a vote, a person within the clique was voted in, and completely, and legitimately I would say, he was voted in, but! he resigned a few days later. What! Why?! That is fishy in itself, but ok, so a logical choice as any legitimate person and fair person would say, lets allow the person with the next majority of votes take their place. OMG what a sane sense of fairness, right?! But what happened? The board chose their own person, again within the clique, without any input to from a “majority” of the people who should have a say in the matter, yes, the homeowners. This is so outrageous and sickening, maybe within the law but just down-right illegitimate. Get rid of this corruption ASAP!
Rick Cottrell
10/13/2021 08:50:17 pm
Good evening to all. I've been reading a lot of commentaries on the blog. I just wanted to share with all of you that That being involved as a board member in an association this is a very challenging and sometimes a very thankless position. I've been on I'm actively a president of an association in Bakersfield California. And I've served on aboard previously and the Annie gated community association in Bakersfield as well. I will say that a lot of times people have great ideas and great intentions For providing direction and support for the people is the people on the board. But what happens is the people that aren't on the board Don't respect those who were serving. Remember all that board members Are volunteers. So including myself I need to understand that they are not getting paid for the work that they do. So I would encourage people who are truly committed to changing the dynamics of desert princess association Should run for office. It's very challenging And a lot of hard work.I will tell you that since I've owned my condo though and I believe I purchased it in 2008 I have seen a lot of positive changes in our development. So I would like to pass on to all the people who have been doing hard work behind the scenes thank you very much. Because those words are not echoed enough to those who work for us. I would also like to say that we need to unify unify ourselves in a more positive constructive matter For the betterment of all. I would also like to say that I'm truly blessed to be owning a home in desert princess and I truly appreciate all everyone's hard work and making it an amazing place to live. God-bless you all and thank you for those who have served good night Rick
10/14/2021 08:36:02 am
When & where is this all taking place?
10/15/2021 08:59:51 am
Judge, Supposedly the ballots will be sent in the mail no later than Friday, October 22, 2021, and a Special Meeting & Recall of Director vote will be held at 11:00AM on Monday, December 02, 2021 at the Masters Lounge - 2855 Landau Blvd. Cathedral City, CA 92234
10/15/2021 06:04:34 pm
Correction.The vote will be counted and the results will be announced Monday December 6th..you must send your ballots in by Friday December 3rd.
Terry Albright
10/15/2021 09:49:03 am
Over the years my wife and I had become disgruntled with DP. So...we decided life would be better if we stopped paying attention to the BS being dispensed by the BOD and MT. That worked for a while but ultimately we reached the point where we began to actively look elsewhere to find a place to call our home. During our search we began to understand that it would be difficult to find another place that so closely matched our overall needs. We understood how nice DP is and how it could be so beautiful with competent leadership and management. Imagine being treated with respect and civility. That's what was missing. Competent management and leadership would fill in the blanks that left us feeling discouraged about the future of DP. We now all have a chance to move in the right direction. Goodbye to the authoritarian dictatorial edicts from on high. Let's find a management firm that has the vision to help create a financially viable and beautiful resort. Vote YES on the recall for starters.
10/15/2021 01:50:06 pm
It is very difficult to understand what Peter Webb gets out of being Board President personally. In my opinion the opportunity to volunteer as President should not be open to Canadians. No offense, Canada. A function of the presidential responsibility should be the requirement to live here or perhaps have a second home here but visit regularly. How can you do this job long distance? Volunteer or paid position, it makes no difference. The complaints that we don’t understand the scope of work going into this volunteer position are just another argument for keeping the job local. The only people who have, so far, spoken highly of Webb are former Board members and they couldn’t compose a letter without demeaning the rest of us! Disfunctional. Are there no suggestions for fixing this mess? In this community there are factions: 1. Golfers. 2. Investors. 3. Golfers/Investors 4. The Rest of Us. Sorry if I let someone out. At the Board meetings you can feel those differences. Because I haven’t been to many meetings it’s impossible to know how long this tension has been building but it is palpable and not pleasant. So is recalling Webb going to solve the problems or should we be digging deeper? I will vote for recall but I want some assurances that not another nickel be charged to homeowners until this operation can run smoothly without self-serving factions. The definition of COMMUNITY is a group of people with common interests and goals.
Anonymous Too
10/16/2021 08:51:15 am
The factions you note can be broken down further. Your point 4 should actually be subdivided into Villa owners and condo owners.
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