The HOA has issued proposed updated Reactive Slab Leak Protocol. If adopted, it replaces the existing 2017 Homeowner slab leak protocol. The Blog has reviewed the changes proposed in the new updated Reactive Slab Leak Protocol.
Below is listed the Key changes from the existing slab leak protocol:
This update will be approved as it is written unless you write the HOA at [email protected] and the board members before it is approved at the March Board meeting. Board members can be reached at the following emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] The Impact of the changes are:
The Blog would like to know your thoughts.
Tom Rosa
2/28/2022 04:27:51 pm
A basic tenant of organizations ( HOA , Heathcare, Insurance ) is to provide LESS coverage to the harmed. Now our lovely bunch of elected dolts have chosen to possibly make it more expensive for the harmed to get their slab leak fixed. Words like " timely" and "reasonable" are ambiguous for a reason. Can you guess what that reason is.......... Yep to hopefully minimize the liability of the HOA. Im so glad Peter and Norn and the other dwarfs have our backs. Rather than take a HARD look at cutting expenses and other ways to balance the budget. They want to offer less to the loyal homeowners. Im not shocked
Fed Up Resident
2/28/2022 04:52:46 pm
Do you actually think name calling "dolls & drarfs" is mature? Why do you continue these ongoing rants and attacks? Do you enjoy causing controversy, division and drama for the residents of our community. I think you would be much happier if you lived somewhere else. Don't you agree?
3/1/2022 03:07:39 pm
You need not worry "Fed Up Resident", the majority of the Board of the HOA do a plenty fine job causing controversy, division and drama.
William A Hall
2/28/2022 05:47:46 pm
I had a slab leak under the guest room tub 2 year's ago. I had Canadians renting at the time and could have lost 6 weeks rent! It was on presidents day and I called the HOA office and did not get answer! My rental agency sent in the Leak Detectors and they gave me immediate choices! They dug under the tub and found problem. I had to hire them to fix luckily and the HOA eventually paid for the break 6 weeks later! They never gave me any advice which I wanted. Chose not to reroute pipes because of wall and tile damage. But maybe not a permanent fix! I know both condos on either side had breaks under floors and had carpets and tiles replaced years past! So am worried about the future as seems to be a problem with pipes in concrete floors!!!
3/1/2022 08:16:35 am
This whole complex is old. Does anyone no when was the last time they checked the systems?
3/1/2022 03:11:51 pm
Probably never. And, they would rather spend the money on vanity projects. Such as a patio extension for the restaurant that is so far from packing a crowd, takes over 45 min. for food, frequent incorrect orders, with some of the staff that has no customer service and that needs to be closed and leased out to someone who knows how to run a restaurant.
Thomas Purcell
3/1/2022 08:21:47 am
Homeowners are whining about the rising costs of HOA dues, and yet when the board finds fees, costs or repairs to be paid for by the individual homeowner the moaning, groaning and bitching gets louder. What’s up with that?
3/1/2022 03:15:16 pm
The HOA was awarded over $2 MILLION dollars for the slab leaks. Not sure where you are getting that you would have to pay for your neighbors slab leak repair. That is not correct info you have. The HOA was supposed to have kept the $2 million safe. It should have been kept in a reserve fund for those repairs it was intended for. It was never intended for the board to co-mingle the funds and use in place of it's primary reserve fund. And, that my friend, is exactly what they did.
3/1/2022 06:22:00 pm
Joan, you are absolutely right. I was on the Board when we received that $2.4M as a result of the lawsuit launched years ago to address the devastating slab leaks. A Board majority, in an open HOA meeting voted to segregate those funds for the purpose for which they were intended,. This vote was the result of a motion tabled by two members, a motion prompted by fear that a future Board would co-mingle those funds with the general reserve fund, which was even at that time, woefully underfunded. So to your point to Mr. Purcell, unless and until the time comes those pipe funds are totally depleted, owners are not paying for these slab leaks from our HOA monthly dues.
3/1/2022 03:18:03 pm
You want to talk about CC&Rs and laws, etc?! Ok, let's talk about that then. Let's talk about how our own ByLaws state that a board member may only run a total of 2 terms. Yet, how we now have a board member (Russ H), who was just re-elected to a THIRD term. Let's talk about those "laws" Mr. Thomas.
3/1/2022 05:38:12 pm
Thomas, I think you should follow your own advice and do the appropriate homework so that you understand what is going on. You of course did not follow your own advice. Had you done so you would have easily uncovered the fact that a lawsuit against the original contractor for DP resulted in a settlement for several million dollars. The funds were and are to be used for the express purpose of repairing and paying for slab leaks. There has been lots of slab leaks based on faulty plumbing installations. The funds do not belong to the HOA. They belong to the homeowners. You are correct about the reserves. They are on the edge but that has nothing to do with slab leaks. Our leadership can not stop spending money we don't have. Gee, if they could just get their hands on some of the slab money by insuring homeowners don't get it first.
3/1/2022 08:23:08 pm
Thomas there are many of us who would love to serve on a committee. The board Presidents (Hank/Peter) and committee chairperson decide who will be on the committees. The rest of board just nod their heads and vote. Have you noticed the same names show up on the committees year after year and married couples on the same committees? Maybe it is time to start fresh, get rid of the people who have served for 4 plus years and allow other homeowners to be selected for committees. Fresh faces, new ideas. Looks like to me it is my right to complain!
3/2/2022 09:13:35 am
Mandy, I posted on this very issue 0n Feb. 22nd under the concern about reinstating in-person HOA meetings. The committees are consistently populated by the same group of friends of the Board members, many have been around for years. Take the FAC for instance. It's almost like these people have an expectation to serve for life!
3/1/2022 01:24:18 pm
When we bought property here at DP years ago, we were made aware of the possibity of slab leaks based on faulty installations. We were also made aware of the lawsuit and the sizeable money award that was set aside to cover slab leaks for owners.That was one of the material facts upon which we made the decision to purchase at DP.
3/1/2022 03:25:09 pm
You are absolutely correct Terry.
3/3/2022 01:04:49 pm
I have contacted the HOA regarding slab leaks, trying to get facts about how many homes are potentially effected, how many have been fixed. And what part of the home is being impacted. All of it? Bathrooms, Kitchen? all of the above? Can anyone give me this information? I own a villa and prior to doing new floors i called to say if a fix needs to be done I want it done now. No one would help with any information.
Dave Grant
3/7/2022 06:30:58 am
Regarding "Slab Leaks" it is my understanding that term is in reference to a problem created by the builder of some of the properties at Desert Princess when substandard materials were used in the construction.
3/7/2022 11:58:58 am
Dave Grant, thank you for the thought full and insightful response. Any idea how many "fixes" have been made and what the balance of the 2.4 million is still left? Why are we having to go to homeowners for this information and its not for all to see? This is one of the non transparent problems I have relating to Desert Princess now. How in the world has this community become so messed up? It makes me want to sell, well one of the many reasons, It sucks as we bought for retirement, are close and now all is chaos. Makes me sad.
3/7/2022 01:00:16 pm
Question: 'How did it get so messed up?"
Dave Grant
3/7/2022 07:07:04 am
Sent to all Board members March 7 2022
3/7/2022 01:01:04 pm
Thank you Dave Grant!
Dave Grant
3/7/2022 03:53:56 pm
Hello all, Karen and Joan,
Craig Robinson
3/10/2022 08:50:28 pm
The HOA cannot relieve itself of responsibility outlined in Article VII of our CC&R's by creating a rule that in opposition to our CC&R's. The HOA is responsible to repair all water leaks in foundations, inside walls, and common areas, regardless of the rule, whether proposed or already adopted.
3/11/2022 02:38:02 pm
Craig, I believe you are misinformed about the so called slab leak funds. The acting board at the time wanted the money placed in the general fund. However several of the directors at the time forced a public vote on the issue. The money ended up being placed in a separate account and not the general fund. After the settlement, the plumbing defect became a known material defect. The known remedy for the plumbing defect was the fund set aside expressly for that purpose. The board is inviting legal action by attempting to unilaterally change what will and will not be paid for involving a covered slab leak here at DP. Had the funds been placed in the general fund the money would have been exhausted years ago. The information about the placement of the "slab leak funds" comes to me directly from the mouth of one of the directors who forced the vote.
Craig Robinson
3/11/2022 06:09:36 pm
Dave Grant
3/11/2022 06:31:22 am
Hello Craig,
3/26/2022 04:15:05 pm
We owe a debt of gratitude to Gail Wilson, a community advocate and this blog for the positive results achieved at the HOA meeting yesterday. Gail's efforts to highlight the inequity in the proposed changes to the slab leak rules is proof positive that our collective voices CAN influence DP policy. Thank you so very much, Gail.
6/8/2022 07:12:46 am
Wow! This is a very interesting piece on slab leak protocol.
11/23/2022 06:50:02 am
I agree. This is why it's very important. If slab leaks are left untreated, the water that is accumulating under the concrete foundation can weaken your home's structure and degrade the quality of your building. This can, in turn, endanger you and your family.
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