Board member Terry Swartz has proposed revisions to the current parking regulations here at Desert Princess Country Club.
These changes are summarized below:
This raises the following questions:
The Blog would like to know your thoughts
Karla Westmoreland
10/9/2023 09:33:02 pm
So just questioning, if my husband and I both have cars, we only get one hang tag? One of us has to park in the street?
Whitney Baez
10/9/2023 09:38:32 pm
Why look for an issue where there isn’t one? We have plenty of parking year round. I am curious how spaces would be identified. More ugly paint or signage?
Gary Gerwig
10/10/2023 04:24:14 pm
I agree with Whitney, Since moving here last July, I have walked all around the Desert Princess property many times. I have not seen an "out of control" parking problem that would warrant creating more rules and prohibitions. I must say that I find this rule rather onerous for those of us who are retired and have friends that might want to visit. In addition, this new parking proposal would also require the home owners to incur another COST and require additional management duties = $$. We just got a huge jump in our monthly HOA dues. I am totally against creating more ways to spend money and to increase the burden of homeowners residing here. If the HOA sees there is a parking problem with short & long term rentals, then landlords need to be required to bear that expense not the people who live in their units. Thanks, Gary
10/9/2023 10:13:53 pm
This proposed new parking regulation is a horrible idea. especially for homeowners who rent out their place or even if they have vendor out to do work on the unit. Is the homeowner fined for what someone else does? How is this our responsibility for someone elses actions that doesnt live there.
10/12/2023 12:34:37 pm
A study and a survey should be conducted before this rule change.
Jon McGraw
10/9/2023 10:15:43 pm
More rules and regulations it will cost to do this which means the next step will be to raise the hoa fees which are ridicules already
Thomas E Dupar
10/9/2023 10:27:35 pm
Condo owners need a tag to park "near" their condo (define near), but villa owner do not need tag to park near. How do you identify a villa owner vehicle vs a condo owner's vehicle? Are the tags required to park a golf cart?
Renee Thompson
10/9/2023 10:31:20 pm
This parking idea has been poorly thought out and is completely unnecessary. Our homeowners do not need more irrelevant rules to make life unpleasant. The parking situation is not a problem. If someone is in your usual spot, park on the street until next time. Be a bit flexible in your thinking. I am firmly against this idea of a parking tag.
Thomas E Dupar
10/9/2023 10:32:49 pm
Does this new rule apply to the clubhouse paring spaces that are owned by the home owners?
10/9/2023 10:53:08 pm
This is absolutely insane. There are no problems with the current system. We don't need "tags" on our cars and have to worry that we forgot to put our "tag" up when we are parked in our own front yard. Really?? Further, we have lived here 9 years and been coming here for 35+ years. There has never been a problem with us, our neighbors, guests, our adult children, past tenants, vendors or anyone else abusing the parking privileges here. Security has always done a great job monitoring and providing written notifications if there was ever any issue, minor that they have been, like someone who once partially parked in the red zone about 5 years ago. And the street parking is just fine and used by all when the lot at our condo pod ever gets full, No one is upset or complaining on the few occasions that has occurred. We expect to sometimes park on the street on holiday weekends, etc. Secondly, most families are two vehicle families. Our adult children are permanent guests. We are to now share one parking tag between all of us? I see no justification to do this except to generate a lot fines and bad feelings overreaching on something that is totally unwarranted. We don't need Big Brother policing us, We police ourselves just fine. And Security is doing exactly what you expect them to do in a low key way when warranted. Proposals like this is ruining everything that we love about Desert Princess. Please do not destroy the good will and good vibe of this property with redundant overregulation.
Concerned homeowner
10/10/2023 07:23:12 am
Right on! We love desert princess. We are hoping to build a community ..not tear it down..cudos to you!
10/10/2023 03:03:16 pm
I agree. Who came up with this total waste of everyone's time.
Tom Moen
10/20/2023 07:24:44 am
This entire board has got to go... They are wasting our time, OUR money, and have no regard for us. Not a SINGLE thing they have done or attempted to do is popular among residents. Not one single thing! They just keep looking for, and finding, ways of wasting OUR money!
10/9/2023 11:39:56 pm
I agree with most comments above that this is unnecessary, will cost extra funds to enforce and is poorly conceived. If it were to be approved, I believe Villas with 2 car garages should receive 2 permits in as much as they paid fair market value for a home with 2-car parking. Furthermore, Licensed Vendors and housekeepers should be able to park adjacent to the owners' property, in legal spaces while they are working at said property for at least 3 hours from 8:00 AM, ending at 5:00 PM. If a Vendor like a contractor needs to park for extended periods of time for a "Project", I recommend that the HOA accommodate the Property Owner with a temporary permit giving ample time to complete said project, during normal business hours.
P King
10/10/2023 12:10:54 am
No need to add another layer of rules and additional costs to implement. Why has this issue come to be something the board has decided to bring forward. Deal with issues to save costs for the community not add additional rules and costs
10/10/2023 12:42:09 am
“Mickey Mouse” rules, as we called them in the Navy.
Tom Rosa
10/10/2023 02:27:40 am
Terry Schwartz strikes again. This human sits around all day thinking of ways to impede our quiet enjoyment. The board should spend ALL of its time trying to save the homeowners money. But the " guardian of good conduct" has a better idea. Lets create a windmill and then fight it. 20+ years on this property and every year it becomes less enjoyable by these over officious humans. Wash Rinse Repeat. It's exhausting
10/10/2023 03:00:36 pm
Agreed. This Board member needs to be removed or voted out at the next opportunity.
Birge Bryan
10/10/2023 06:31:55 am
All owner cars already have transponders to get into DP. Why can’t security use those to monitor as opposed to an additional hang tag?
Birge Bryan
10/10/2023 06:44:06 am
So, Between the transponders that our cars already have and issued paper passes for guests/vendors the DP security and HOA can’t figure this out? Please don’t bog us down with additional unnecessary red tape. This is a colossal failure of common sense. You just raised our HOA payment $100, and now this? Please just stop overthinking
Here We Go Again
10/10/2023 07:27:18 am
Some board members should simply not be board members….enough said…
10/10/2023 07:39:20 am
These are all great comments which I agree with. Terry Swartz does not like renters and wants to punish homeowners who rent out their units. She sure seems to love rules and more rules though. Stop wasting our money, especially on ideas that are impossible to enforce. Stop making more rules and start thinking of ways of saving money and reducing our HOA dues!
Paul Zibton
10/10/2023 08:06:46 am
I won’t be voting for Terry in the next election. This proposal is nothing more than an excuse to raise the HOA fees again. How pathetic.
Leila Tweed
10/10/2023 08:17:28 am
Does anyone have the ability to create an online petition to voice our “No” vote as a group? I don’t want to spend any vacation days writing a letter disagreeing with this tag idea!!
10/10/2023 08:25:17 am
No one is saying how much this is going to cost to enforce? I put in my comments to the HOA on the new regulations. The HOA response is they have had endless complaints from homeowners regarding parking. I have no "street" spots near my condo and my garage is on a blind corner. I would never park in there for safety for myself and other drivers. I agree that this will continue to stoke bad blood between neighbors and the enforcement will be spotty and expensive for villa and condo owners. If this was a city, there would be an official "study" about parking.....though an HOA is not a city and I am not suggesting this measure, it is a community. You should never respond to complaints with sweeping measures that effect the many without understanding the true impact and quantity complaints, as compared to how many people park daily. I am sure the percentage is super small.
Carl Wittig
10/10/2023 08:49:18 am
Do we really need a new parking policy? I would be opposed to any towing of vehicles especially homeowner vehicles. And fines??? With the increased HOA. This smacks of some kind of effort to raise funds. I will vote no if it ever comes to that.
Ian Gordon
10/10/2023 08:54:00 am
This is completely unnecessary and it looks like most people agree; thank goodness! There are zero issues with parking we have currently so why change it? Also that hanging tag will cost us more money after yet another dues increase. I’ve owned my villa for almost three years now and the dues have increased over $200/mo since then plus STVR registration fees plus plus plus. This is really wild and unfortunate.
Mar May
10/10/2023 08:56:27 am
This is one of the stupidest proposals yet, and a perfect example of how inept the board is. Instead of spending time figuring out how to NOT increase our dues, they’re wasting time coming up with a proposal for an issue that doesn’t even exist.
Jay G
10/10/2023 09:01:22 am
Great, our wonderful HOA board has cooked up yest another way to anger the HOA members.
Exasperated Homeowner
10/10/2023 04:34:27 pm
So the utter insanity continues here at DP - this is yet another example of the misguided nonsense this board feels the need to hoist on us homeowners. Terri just cannot stop dreaming up more ways to control us with more bureaucratic rules - the woman is a control freak not to mention extremely rude and disrespectful to homeowners in meetings. Our monthly fees just went up $107 and instead of listening to the many thoughtful ideas presented by members of our community regarding cost cutting, this is what get. We are being told that we only get one parking hangar per unit - so even if two of us live in a condo and have been utlitizing the parking lot for years, now one of us has to park on the street? This disproportionately affects condo owners, many of whom cannot use their gargage because they need it for storage as condos are smaller than villas, and not all garages have a parking area behind them. Villas (which Terri lives in) have a two car garage and a driveway, so this likely won't affect them as much. As someone said, is it even legal to just have someone towed immediately without a warning? What is the cost for the new signage and enforcement? This will undoubtedly cause unnecessary strife between neighbors, renters and security. So not only the $107 monthly increase but now we have to worry about fines and towing? This is ridiculous. I'm sure the HOA won't listen to us though any more than they did regarding the egregious and outrageous fee increase. Regarding this affecting property values - well anyone who has been paying attention will have noticed the large increase in listings for sale here along with a significant reduction in property values since the board approved their increase. It is their fudiciary duty to protect these values, not adversely affect them with never-ending bad decisions.
10/10/2023 09:38:12 am
10/10/2023 09:41:03 am
I would like to know why the boasrd seems to go after issues with a crazy ideas for problems us condo owners only experience in the few .month's of spring when the condos fill up with renters and snowbirds. The other months (8) we are a ghost town with lots of parking just crazy parking moving our vehicles around empty streets etc.
Robin Trigg
10/10/2023 09:41:09 am
I totally disagree with this proposal and believe it is extremely unfair to all guests, cleaners, and vendors who are at our condo to help maintain the property. What is the reason for this kind of exclusion?
10/10/2023 09:46:32 am
Towing can be expensive for the vehicle owner. Often times, towing companies give kick-backs to lot owners. In this case, it would be the HOA. It does seem like another run for money. This could get out of control real fast. Who will be the executioner of who's vehicles get towed?
Charles H Childress
10/10/2023 10:18:56 am
Another revenue generation idea. Hard no!
ronald e smith
10/10/2023 10:19:27 am
It appears to me that Ms Swartz has too much time on her hands. MORE RULES !!
Disgruntled Owner
10/10/2023 11:07:15 am
Vote these people out!!
10/10/2023 11:30:01 am
No. We both have jobs with different schedules. My car or my husband's fits in that small garage. So what arr we to do? Pay you the board MORE MONEY. Along with the outrageous HOA payment?
William A Hall
10/10/2023 11:38:39 am
This is a terrible idea!? Been an owner for 23 years and never been a problem! It will take 100s of signage affecting the beauty of our landscape! And towing immediately when there might be an explanation??? What aboutattaching a note and a warning!? What about holiday parties when there are several guests coming in? Please stop this poor idea!?
Gerry Beuhler
10/10/2023 11:39:32 am
Definitely not needed. Sounds like a nightmare to enforce. A hard no!!
Kathy Rogers
10/10/2023 11:41:42 am
Has this new "parking policy" already gone into effect? Or do we, as homeowners get to vote on it?
Renee Thompson
10/11/2023 08:26:55 am
You must write your comments in an email to [email protected] Please do so.
Terry Albright
10/10/2023 11:48:51 am
We have owned a condo for 11 years. One of the 3 bedroom units in our "pod"was turned into a short term rental. It is not unusual to have 3 cars show up for this unit and force owners to park on the street. We even have guests from a short term rental villa directly across the street park in our limited spaces. This is not really a problem off season but definately is in season. Many owners are older and many are disabled. Why should they have to park in the street so the short term renters have a shorter distance to carry their cases of beer? Now days a complex with the limited parking that we have available would not get a building permit.
10/10/2023 09:35:31 pm
There are already rules to address your issue. There are limits to the number of cars based on the size of the unit and these are fair rules. The mindset of expanding all encompassing rules like the one proposed is absurd. I suggest you consult with the CC&R's and security for help with your situation.
10/12/2023 06:17:08 am
Agree 100% with you. This new rule (is it really just a proposal?), ensures that one of us can neve park in the cul de sac spots. STVR clients who are typically younger and leave car parked in prime spots the entire time they are here, are not lugging groceries, recycles etc back and forth all week like people who actually live here do. What if the two people living in one unit are both disabled - then what?
10/10/2023 12:19:44 pm
Many of you are referring to “the board” inventing this parking nightmare. This ill-conceived rule was created by the governance committee. Which consists of Martin Backstrom, Ernie Hall, and Terri Swartz, but Terri apparently runs the committee. Ms Swartz does not live in a condo.
10/10/2023 05:15:27 pm
Yup, Arroyos.
Brandt Hollinger
10/10/2023 02:56:58 pm
Sounds like a solution you would expect to find in a big city. Seeing how this is NOT a big city and we have NO serious problem with parking, this proposal is TOTALLY unnecessary, extremely difficult and expensive to monitor and sews descent among the residents. There are SO MANY other issues here. Vote NO for this inane idea.
Christopher Van Horn
10/10/2023 03:08:53 pm
Why don't you spend the time and come up with an idea of how to lower the HOA fees by getting better bids from people.
Concerned Full Time Resident
10/10/2023 05:14:22 pm
Ridiculous! Transponder should be enough!!! So do we have to go to HOA to get tag or will it be mailed. Some people work during the week and can't get to HOA. One thing after another! This place has lost it living enjoyment!
10/10/2023 05:34:55 pm
Stupid rules can be concocted by one person or a committee of 10 without enough to do. A recall of those dreaming up this nonsense is in order.
10/10/2023 09:38:19 pm
Please tell me this is a joke. Who comes up with these things?
Concerned Homeowner
10/10/2023 10:57:26 pm
This latest parking proposal is absurd! It definitely penalizes the 675 condo owners here at Desert Princess. How can Terry Swartz make this proposal when she does not live in our shoes. She lives in a villa in Arroyos. She has no clue what condo life here is.
Beyond Frustrated
10/12/2023 04:27:11 pm
How does giving ONE hang tag to all units not discriminate against the condo owners who don't have a driveway and two car garage? Many of us in condos live with a spouse/partner so this means that only one of us gets to continue parking in the lot as we have without any issue for years and one of us has to park on the street? What kind of idiotic, asinine proposal is this? Not to mention all of the aggravation and headache it will cause for everyone! More policing and enforcement like we live in a big city? I hope everyone here says NO Terry's proposal.
Gilbert Ca;dwe;;
10/11/2023 07:22:49 am
Once again we are trying to fix something that is not broken. How is this to be enforced by vendors we have coming in to do housecleaning, painting, window washing, etc.?
10/11/2023 07:25:57 am
I personally wonder if anyone on this board has run a successful business. The way they operate this place is not like a successful business. Maybe because we voted down their 4 million dollar boon dogle they want pay backs. Can any of you imagine what out HOA dues would have been if that crazy scheme had gone thru? Feel like it's way past time to vote new. And yes can we do a petition for change or even removal? There must be some protections in the by-laws so this crazyness can be stopped.
Elena Ramirez
10/11/2023 07:41:15 am
I own my condo since 2000 and I never ever have a problem with parking space for mi car. I see that this new regulation is just to get more money from home owners. Absolutely against this new regulation.
Renee Thompson
10/11/2023 08:24:56 am
Does everyone know that written comments about this parking fiasco must be submitted to [email protected]? Do it now or we will not be heard on this issue.
Renee Thompson
10/11/2023 02:44:38 pm
That email address is incorrect. I'm very sorry. The correct address is [email protected]
John A Rivera
10/11/2023 08:33:26 am
Every homeowner gets a hang tag, but doesn't need it to park in their garage, their driveway or on the street??? W
10/11/2023 09:58:31 am
Enough is Enough stop what you're doing. Just another way to make money of us . STOP STOP
Terry Albright
10/11/2023 12:13:03 pm
Maybe I misread the new parking proposal but I didn't see anywhere in the new proposal that anyone would be charged for the car hangers that will be mailed to DP condo owners. This parking issue has surfaced from the increase of short term rentals here in DP. This new proposal would be a way to distinguish owners from short term renters. The people who don't understand the parking issue are likely mostly Villa owners. In my pod of ten condo's we have six off-street parking spaces. Short term renters should park on the street and not force owner's to do so. Simple.
10/11/2023 04:19:10 pm
There were also rules about how many hours someone can park in the HOA parking spots without a tag - 4 hours if I remember correctly. HOA parking spots are any lots inside the gate. What about the gym/tennis parking lot? Charlie has tournaments some weekends. How will those people be able to park for the day or will they take all the street parking on Isleta for the day? How will the enforcement people know how long cars have been in the lot? Are they going to start marking tires? I don't play pickleball but I know people come into the community for tennis and pickleball.
Brian White
10/12/2023 09:18:40 am
I have nothing further to add. If the HOA Board can’t realize this is an idiotic proposal, by reading this blog, we have a real problem.
Deborah Young
10/12/2023 11:38:00 am
What is driving this change? I’m for changes when warranted after facts are presented showing the value of the change and much discussion on how it affects the entire HOA membership who are dues paying members. My husband and I have been members since 2019 and the one thing that stands out are irrational
10/12/2023 12:04:38 pm
This is ridiculous! I agree, why create an issue where there isn't one. If someone is parking somewhere they are not suppose to, fine them! But to tow homeowners because they do not display "their hand tag". You can't drive with a hanging tag, I don't, so I'm very likely to forget to hang it back up after I park. So I would get towed parking in front of my property. I smell a very big lawsuit!!!
10/12/2023 12:27:04 pm
This is silly and a waste of time and energy. We do NOT have a problem. This is only going to cause more cars to be parked along streets vs. in spots, and with no side-walks, means we're all going to be walking in the middle of the street to exercise or walk our dogs, etc. This community has been around for decades, and suddenly we have a parking issue?!?! I Find it VERY hard to believe. Let's at least start with a survey to the community and a parking study, before we start towing cars, and creating added expense for us homeowners... This is honestly such a waste of time and effort from the board.
Craig Blouin
10/12/2023 12:59:12 pm
I cant believe this is even being discussed. We do not have any parking issues throughout the community and to create a punitive environment for ourselves to address an issue that doesn't even exist is nonsense. I couldn't be more opposed to this horrific idea and it should be discarded immediately. We come here to enjoy the community and not worry about parking like some do in major cities. This should never be adopted.
Things I see (Bobbi)
10/12/2023 01:52:23 pm
One proposed item that I am glad to see concerns golf carts. Only licensed drivers should be driving them. I have seen children who appear to be as young as 10 or 12 speeding through the community and not obeying Stop Signs. Dangerous to them and persons around them. Hopefully this will be included.
Lynn MacDonald
10/13/2023 10:04:23 am
Some Board members continue to overthink things (or not !) What a ridiculous idea - stop treating us like children ! The current system works well so why is Terri continuing trying to upset owners. We all know she is totally against 'renters' and always seems to be looking for ways to control 'all owners'' rights. Why does she continually 'piss' everyone off. Vote Terri off the Board - she's never put any energy into cost-saving ideas and continually tries to change things that are working 'just fine'. Just because she lives in a villa with a double garage and 2 parking spots in her driveway doesn't mean she can screw the rest of us as well as short or long-term renters. Stop this insanity !
Terry Albright
10/13/2023 11:37:51 am
It was mentioned here in the blog that many condo owners do not use their garages
John Anthony Rivera
10/15/2023 08:19:12 am
Terry Albright. Thank you for your service!
Mary Maloney
10/18/2023 07:40:27 am
You can contact the HOA to have a handicap parking space put into your condo circle. There are rules around renter parking, you should contact security when it is a problem NOT place a ridiculous rule on the entire resort. Utilize the rules and means to enforce them that already exist. These condo garages were not built for todays vehicles. They are golf cart garages at best.
10/30/2023 08:54:07 pm
YES, agree. We have 6 spots for 9 units and 3 units are used by one condo....
10/31/2023 02:05:13 pm
There's no STUFF in our garage. My car doesn't fit in the tiny space that is called a garage. Thanking you for looking at the problem with a open mind.
Concerned homeowner
10/13/2023 03:35:41 pm
Terry Albright. As a disabled vet, you have a right to a handicapped sticker. You can also demand that the HOA provide a handicapped space in you Pod.
Terry Albright
10/13/2023 09:28:02 pm
Concerned homeowner. I have no more right to a handicap parking space as an owner than a handicap renter has. The idea is that I believe owners should have the right to limited off-street parking more so than renters do.
10/14/2023 05:16:17 am
Especially the STVR folks. Are they not literally guests? How come my guests have to park in the street (which I am ok with really), but the STVR guests can park in the few cul de sac spots. And leave their car there all week while they Uber back and forth to different party locations.
10/13/2023 06:02:01 pm
SO glad we sold and moved to a sane, beautiful place with an HOA truly run by homeowners at a fraction of the cost!
10/13/2023 08:33:11 pm
The only thing those insane rules proposals will accomplish is to drive our property values into the toilet. Can’t imagine any prospective buyer interested in a community with Alice in Wonderland HOA rules.
10/14/2023 09:45:45 am
Exactly Frank.
10/14/2023 07:41:35 am
I am already looking for my on street parking spot (since there are two of us and ya know...only one tag per unit for the condo's). Anyone know where Terri Swartz lives? I will be parking on the street in front of her house.
David Guerra
10/14/2023 01:52:11 pm
I totally disagree with proposed changes to parking rules. Not needed in our community. So how much is the tow company going to kick back to the association for every car towed? I see this as a board member trying to create a revenue generator while sticking it to the homeowners who pay the bills. Enough of these tactics. Focus on cutting the fat and not increasing it.
10/14/2023 05:29:06 pm
Wonder if we have any legal recourse when the SOA passes rules that are patently against owners interests. Owning a condo in DP is hardly an investment, and should the proposed HOA rules be approved prospective buyers will avoid us like the plague.
John A Rivera
10/15/2023 08:23:56 am
Terry Albright. Thank you for your service!
Carolyn Casey
10/15/2023 11:17:11 am
No thank you to this proposal. And, it is unclear what problem we have that needs solving. The HOA board needs articulate the issue to be solved…there are always many, many ways to solve genuine issues. And clearly we have an engaged group of residents on this blog who seem willing to engage and help figure paths forward on many topics, this one included.
10/18/2023 01:41:56 pm
According to Terri Schwartz, this will be a self policing policy - if a homeowner can't find parking because of illegally parked vehicles, they call security who will come out and take care of the problem. Cars that are here for tennis tournaments will be required to park in the clubhouse parking lot. Not sure what happens when the kids are here for tennis lessons and leave at night after dark - do they have to walk through the clubhouse to get out since the gate will be closed? What if the clubhouse is closed?
10/19/2023 09:22:49 am
Just like everything! Nothing is thought out or voted on. Enough is enough.!! I was fined by Terri Swartz $500 with pictures of another dog not my dog! They make rules up when it's convenient for them.
10/22/2023 07:44:51 pm
We disagree with the proposal for obvious reasons stated above by many. No explanation as to why parking tags are required, only explanation is to generate more revenue?
10/23/2023 09:55:05 am
Taxation without representation? Didn’t we have a Tea Party for this a while back? Time for another one.
Mary Maloney
11/26/2023 12:34:07 pm
Totally agree!!!!
Scott Wright
10/26/2023 03:32:11 pm
These parking restrictions are overly punitive for those of us who use our properties to rent out at times. This looks like a restriction for a problem that doesn't exist. Feel free to contact me to organize a movement against this.
Kitsul Aquilon residence
11/7/2023 05:39:05 pm
We are against this parking change. The current system works so why change it. This would obviously be implemented at a cost to the owners.
Peter Basil
11/9/2023 10:00:09 pm
There are approximately 30 condos at the end of Cumbres Court, and only 18 parking spaces. Most owners do not park in garages, and additional parking is only available quite a distance away. In this area of the DP, the garages are so close to designated parking that it is virtually impossible to navigate a small vehicle into a garage. Unlike other traffic circles on the property, parking is not permitted around the Cumbres circle, and, for the most part, on only one side of the street near the pool. Additional parking could be carved out of the grass area of the circle, and adding 3 feet of blacktop (grass area) to the condo spaces could alleviate the problem of fitting a vehicle into the garage (and out) without damaging those parked in front of said garage.
Caroline M
11/26/2023 03:10:20 pm
However, having hang tags won't alleviate the problems you're describing. There are too many condos for the number of parking spots. Owners may give their hang tags to renters if there are rental units in that area. Unless the board and HOA are going to somehow force owners to use their garages (which based on your description is difficult or impossible), that area won't be helped by hang tags.
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