Half of our community pools will no longer be heated! On Friday January 28th, at our Board meeting, a recommendation was brought forward by Russ Holowachuk, to stop heating half of our pools to reduce energy costs. The majority of the Board members agreed to this recommendation and half the pool heaters will be shut off. This raises the following questions:
Our Board is obligated to serve the interests of our whole community. If you have some questions or concerns about this decision, contact Russ Holowachuk at [email protected] The Blog would also like to hear your thoughts.
Concerned homeowner
1/30/2023 01:35:53 pm
Who makes these arbitrary decisions? Why are the pools not important to the Board members? I don’t play golf, but I do use the pools. Why is my enjoyment not equal to what the golfers needs are. It has been cold this season, I get it. My gas and electric bills have skyrocketed…so to save money I turn my thermostat down a few degrees. I pay my HOA dues to enjoy all aspects of the property. Why are the pools being the Guinea pigs?
Paula Wujek
1/31/2023 01:52:38 pm
NO!!!!! Our HOA fees are through the roof as it is, and I accept the high cost because of the amenities, which include heated pools. This is ridiculous. How is it fair for some to have a heated pool, while others have to schlepp to another location? This will also increase numbers at individual pools, which will affect satisfaction and the overall experience. I am truly disappointed in our Board.
norman j lubke
2/3/2023 08:47:50 am
15-16 pools are you have to walk a few extra feet....when was the last time you went to a pool and could not get in because of the crowd????
3/31/2023 06:00:35 am
They make every decision in a vacuum without ever consulting residents.
4/12/2023 02:32:48 pm
This is INSANE! I am in the water management committee and OMG!!!!!! They are going to waste ANOTHER $670-$870,000 of OUR MONEY!!! I am the only NON-board member in the meeting. We have to pool together and STOP THIS BOARD! NOTHING they are discussing is water conservation. Just now 31 minutes in they are saying has to be 25% low maintenance low water plants. This board is making insane decisions just like this stupid spa/fitness waste of money!
jerry persky
1/30/2023 01:36:15 pm
Several questions: First, was this issue on the agenda? Second, did residents have an opportunity to comment on RH's proposal? Third, how much money
4/1/2023 02:29:28 pm
They actually like the insane waste of money on landscaping to make the guard gates look better, gas prices fell and they once again did nothing. They didn't look at which pools are the most utilized, they did investigate putting up nice solar heating which could have also provided shade for the pools and fixed a LONG TERM issue. They didn't investigate simple solar covers. This board is the worst board on the planet. They serve only themselves and they are all "power hungry" punks. Look at the VAST number of comments here. Is there a SINGLE pro point of view, does a single resident like ANYTHING this horrif board has done? I know I don't! They have a management trust - they are receiving compensation for being the worst board on the planet. Time we join together and FIRE this terrible board.
1/30/2023 01:43:59 pm
Will all the hot tubs remain heated when 1/2 of the pools are shut down?
Janice sowinski
1/30/2023 01:45:11 pm
This is ridiculous. Something like this should be voted on by entire community.
Gary Culpepper
1/30/2023 02:07:36 pm
I agree with Janice & others objecting. How much is the savings for shutting down 1/2 of the pools? If reasonable why not just get $ from another budget item & / or add a nominal increase to HOA dues.
1/30/2023 02:41:49 pm
This is not the first time a Board has arbitrarily taken such an action. When I served on the Board from 2013-2017, I fought hard to rectify the inequity in this ridiculous edict to rotate pool heating on a monthly basis. Not only had that Board action not resulted in savings to the homeowners that could be quantified, but by taking such an action, were adversely affecting the common elements that we collectively bought into when we purchased our units. After two years of lobbying, the pools were ultimately all heated from November until May.
1/30/2023 02:08:54 pm
Again, this is another example of how our board seems to think the decision making process regarding the community is all theirs to make. Unless a group of residents form a committee and the thoughts and concerns of the residents are represented, this is Just another example of residents complaining without action.
Long Time Homeowner
1/30/2023 03:45:26 pm
To Gary re: email for Russ
Roscio Moreno
1/30/2023 02:14:44 pm
We should be able to vote on this. Which pools would be shut off and why? Would it be considered because the residents near the pool are not at the home the whole year.
Jodi Wallace
1/30/2023 02:22:42 pm
Shawn Mullen
1/30/2023 02:32:34 pm
They tried this years ago and it did not go over very well. Who decides which ones stay heated. They might as well close the other pools down, as no one wants to get into a cold pool. This should have been voted on by all homeowners, not just the board. Pretty sure they knew the response they would get.
Tom Moen
1/30/2023 02:36:23 pm
Thought by visiting this blog, there would be a map of the pools that would remain heated. Nope. Answer to the $700,000 question. Nope. Was this on the agenda for the meeting. Nope. I agree with other suggestions here, like decreasing the temp all pools--the few times I have been in pools, they were like bath water warm. Lastly, many (most) of the pools are in direct sunlight (which we have an ample supply of) any consideration to solar heating? Solar covers might also be worthy of investigation--they would not only prevent heat loss but ducks/geese, and evaporation.
Also concerned
1/30/2023 02:43:03 pm
Finally a Board member considering cost savings, wonderful!
Steve Higgins
1/30/2023 02:43:49 pm
All pools should be heated between November 1st and April 1st. Turn all of them off outside these dates.
1/30/2023 03:13:33 pm
I sent this to Russ:
1/30/2023 05:14:42 pm
Sherry great questions, please post Russ’ reply.
Home owner
4/1/2023 02:32:16 pm
LOL! Russ reply. TOO FUNNY. He is the worst of the bunch of them... why is president of that group. They need to all be recalled. DUMPED. Let's take back our community and have a board that LISTENS to the residents.
Lynn MacDonald
1/30/2023 03:37:56 pm
Lynn MacDonald
1/30/2023 03:42:43 pm
1/30/2023 03:45:47 pm
All pools should be heated. Especially between October and April. Why don’t we get a vote? This affect mostly the condo owners. Not everyone plays golf and people like to swim in a heated pool.
1/30/2023 03:59:02 pm
Vote? We just live here? Give us one decision they have asked for a vote for? Except a new board member.
Janice Sowinski
1/30/2023 04:26:49 pm
Will there be a significant reduction in hoa dues for those with no access to its heated pool? Will those homeowners have a choice for reduced fees or heated pool? This is not what I signed up for as a homeowner. Understand this will impact my ability to rent versus those that have close access to heated pool.
Joanne Brown
1/30/2023 04:51:58 pm
We tried this before. It doesn’t work! I’m sure we could heat all pool for Nov-April then heat every other pool! No wonder people are putting in private pools! Not in favour of this decision!
1/30/2023 05:03:41 pm
Arbitrary decisions of this magnitude, by a community board, are never popular and usually poorly devised, with knee jerk reactions. There are many reasons, stated in the responses above, to maintain the heat in all pools November through April. As we are one of the families that visit frequently through the winter and pay for that amenity, this decision is very disappointing! I don’t think it’s fair to claw back on amenities that are a staple part of the community to the people that use them frequently. I don’t use the golf facilities a lot but I would sure be disappointed if every second hole was closed! Keep all the pools heated through April 2023 and complete a cost analysis over the summer and a plan for implementing in the fall.
1/30/2023 05:11:13 pm
Will the pool by the spa, pool 30 and the large pool in Arroyos be included in rotating heating? If not, 2 of those pools are villa pools. This is insane.
1/30/2023 05:13:19 pm
Lynn, The pools are not heated in the summer. With 110 degree weather all the pools are very warm. The only current board member running for reelection is Martin Backstrom. He voted YES to close half the pools. He also voted YES to spend $500K in the fitness center, which only a few people use daily.
Maggie Hood
1/31/2023 03:01:12 am
This idea is arbitrary and ridiculous AND the community should be involved in a decision like this. And WE NEED TO REALLY BE PROTESTING THE $500,000 FITNESS CENTER. as a member of the “Fitness Center Redesign Committee, I can tell you this : there was NO committee decision to either review or recommend this. This was railroaded thru by committee Chair Harold Cipin. It’s a total waste of money. Only about 150 people MAYBE use the facility and $500,000 is not going to draw more
1/30/2023 05:15:35 pm
Will the spa pool, pool 30 and the pool in Arroyos be affected by this edict. If not, the fact that two of them are in villa communities says volumes about the equity in this community.
Barry Burgelin
1/30/2023 06:30:14 pm
Following sent to Director Howalachuk:
1/30/2023 07:29:22 pm
Arbitrary decision making such as this is ludicrous, and generally unsupported. The financial impact - cost savings should be made transparent just as the $ spent on heating all pools should be made transparent. Which pools will be impacted? And the Cost savings from shutting off heat to the pools should result in a REDUCTION of monthly dues as our enjoyment to the amenities are being taken away. Further what thought has been put into reducing overhead expenses by utilizing out greatest natural desert resource - the SUN..invest in solar pool heating and solar power storage instead of investing in money draining projects.
1/30/2023 08:42:20 pm
One thing that members need to understand is that we elect the board. The board is there to make the decisions so we don’t have to. That’s what we elect them to do. Most decisions are made by the board. Some decisions per the CCR’s must be made by a vote of the members. This is very small number compared to the number of decisions that are made.
Maggie Hood
1/31/2023 03:02:26 am
Cleaning pools regularly is REQUIRED by county health
Joanne F
1/30/2023 09:11:18 pm
We are homeowners and the idea of various pools not being heated from Nov to April is not acceptable. We pay a high HOA fee to have all these benefits. And to think we will have to chase from place to place and put a towel out early to maintain a spot is stupid. I agree with the statement condo owners aren’t being treated fairly. There should definitely be a vote. I feel for the new people looking for our votes to be board members….I am sure they will be digging for information on this idea.
1/31/2023 01:01:56 pm
Hear, hear Joanne! How much longer are owners going to tolerate annual, substantial HOA increases while this Board systematically reduces services in our community. We have spent thousands on pool rehabilitation, new pool equipment and furniture, only to have the Board reduce the number of usable pools by 50% during high season. All will have to be cleaned and have chemical treatments, but too cold to swim in. The only rocket scientist on our Board to vote in favor of this idiotic idea that is up for reelection next month is Martin Backstrom, who as pointed out, ALSO voted to spend $500,000.00 plus $50,000.00 for architectural plans+ costs of construction to accommodate a HANDFUL of residents. A vote for Backstrom is a vote to not only endorse but continue to support these arbitrary, dictatorial decisions.
Sue B
1/31/2023 07:33:27 am
I presume this decision to close half the pools was based on December data, which happens to be the coldest month. Perhaps the board would consider not closing pools until April 1 as the weather is warming up. Then turn off the heat on ALL pools April 1st instead of April 30th. This should offset some of the unexpected costs. It is not fair or acceptable to turn off any pool during the high season when most homes are occupied at Desert Princess. I would also like to suggest all unnecessary spending is stopped. Which includes spending any more money on the fitness center upgrade. Also take away Mark Browns chainsaw and stop cutting down anymore trees. Every tree that is removed is costing the homeowners money! All this money could be used to pay the gas bill :)
Spike Bloom
1/31/2023 08:20:24 am
Agree with all comments. Seems like a big, arbitrary action in peak season with no owner visibility or input. I plan to ask all board candidates their view on this before voting.
1/31/2023 10:06:24 am
Pools- agree with the comments and communication send to the Board so far.
Janice Sowinski
1/31/2023 10:06:53 am
How long will it take for renters and buyers to figure out some areas don't have heated pools and homeowners lose out on rent or sales as a result. Why not invest in automatic pool covers that can cover pool evenings that should cut costs in half.
Pissed off Full Time Resident
1/31/2023 10:31:04 am
My response from Russ was a canned response which did not address anything I asked. The response from Jerry Storage was much more thoughtful but still had no information. Apparently there is no schedule at this point of which pools will be turned off and will be discussing it soon.
1/31/2023 02:49:04 pm
Go figure. A canned response from Russ who will likely take over as President after Webb is off the Board. This ridiculous regime is perpetuating itself. Until we start electing new blood to the Board, we will continue to receive the governance we deserve.
1/31/2023 03:24:01 pm
Well, well, well. Just received notification of a "SPECIAL" open meeting on Monday February 6th at 9:00 am. Now we ALL have an opportunity to voice our concerns about the pool heating issue as that is the one and only agenda item. Too bad this Board manufactures crisis after crisis BEFORE seeking input from the community. This disruptive form of governance is destructive to our community. Consistently putting the cart before the horse is certainly not leadership.
1/31/2023 05:59:00 pm
In researching this issue, media sources are reporting that natural gas prices are going to decrease by some 68%. What we appear to have here is a Board that rules by knee- jerk reactions and fails to do the homework necessary to govern a community involving millions of dollars. I'd still love to see the data from the survey the HOA conducted regarding our multi-million dollar expenditure to rehab the gym.
2/1/2023 01:46:14 am
RE: DATA FROM SURVEY - I was ON the Fitness Center Redesign Committee. I SUGGESTED the survey, which was initially shot down by Committe Chairperson Harold Cipin. I CAN provide the results when I return from this trip I am on....THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO BASIS WHATSOEVER FOR THIS DECISION. There was really NO committee. We only met FOUR times in around 15 months. There are no more than 150-200 people AT MOST who ever use the fitness center. It was railroaded through by the Committee Chairman without a Committee vote on ANY OF THE SPENDING. No criteria was used. No estimates on money coming in from hotel guests or short term renters. Really - HOW MANY $10 DAY CHARGES WILL IT TAKE ANYWAYS TO PAY FOR THE $500,000 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT THAT , OH BY THE WAY, DOESN'T EVEN INCLUDE EQUIPMENT, DECORATING OR ANYTHING. THIS IS A HUGE WASTE OF MONEY!!!!! I got on the Committee because I work out there and I am one of the only women who does work out there! The money we gave to the city and to the architects could have been used to update the equipment and the downstairs raquet ball court to be a fitness/yoga/exercise studio. We wasted 50K that could have been used to make it nicer. This place will be empty, just like ALL the other fancy gyms at the other communities in the desert. But go to EOS - they're packed. We will not's a criminal WASTE of our money and now the pools aren't going to be heated??? WOW JUST WOW
1/31/2023 09:19:46 pm
Wow. This is a shock to me. I just recently bought a condo at Desert Princess and the pool setup was a huge part of the appeal. This feels like a bait and switch to a newcomer like me. There was nothing in our HOA paperwork about the possibility of amenities being removed arbitrarily. It also just seems like an ill-advised strategy. Other obvious alternatives seem much simpler (ex. reducing the temperate uniformly, pool heating "holidays", investing in heat retention covers, etc). I certainly will be on the upcoming board meeting to ensure that my voice is heard and would encourage anyone on here to do the same.
Kathy Rogers
2/1/2023 07:23:55 am
Everyone - The Board is holding a special session to discuss the topic of heating the pools on Monday, February 6th at 9:00 AM. You can attend in the Masters Lounge or via Zoom. PLEASE attend this meeting & give the board your feedback.
Will Be There
2/1/2023 09:30:35 am
Last week the Board voted 6 to 1 in favor of heating only half the pools. Bill Bergstrom was the only Board member who voted in opposition. Bill is the one Director on the Board who always represents us, the homeowners of Desert Princess. Let’s all try to attend the meeting on Monday in person in the Masters Lounge and show him our support while trying to convince the rest of the Board to overturn their ill-conceived decision.
Patricia Van Santen
2/1/2023 07:32:41 am
Regarding the heating of the pools ,I would like to add that I lived in the Ironwood Country club for 15 years. Long ago it was determined that it would be a wise choice to only heat half or a third of the pools. This was never a problem. Serious swimmers preferred the cooler water and those that inclined toward the heated water had plenty of room and were not disadvantaged by the number of people who preferred warm. I suggest we try reducing the number of heated pools, everyone who cares put your eyes and a notebook on your pool and note down how many people actually swim each day in that pool so this choice can be informed.
2/1/2023 03:27:05 pm
On a totally unrelated matter, I would strenuously urge all owners to really read and digest these rules changes.
Disheartened Homeowner
2/2/2023 11:35:43 pm
I agree with a lot of the comments on this particular blog, which originated due to the arbitrary, sudden and surprising decision by the board to stop heating half of the pools during season, traditionally our busiest time of year here. Fortunately, it has served an important purpose to illuminate other major issues here that need the attention of the homeowners.
Craig Robinson
2/3/2023 07:07:08 pm
Although I am not always a fan of the Board, they are not going after pet owners. Our CC&Rs. already prevent pets from being left unattended on any lot, whether chained or tethered by a fence. Please see Section 8.7 of our CC&Rs, specifically Subsection (c). If your dog is left out onto your patio dog run without being accompanied by you, it violates the CC&Rs. I can't complain about the Board because they are enforcing our controlling documents.
2/4/2023 08:22:08 am
In addition to cutting the heat off in half the pools, let’s stop cutting the turf on the even numbered golf holes. Right….
2/5/2023 04:56:32 pm
Craig, you are absolutely correct that previous Boards took the path of least resistance when their budgeting acumen was flawed and they elected to heat only half the pools in the community as a cost saving measure.
Disheartened Homeowner
2/25/2023 12:57:25 pm
As Kim mentioned, this seemingly punitive new proposed crackdown on all pet enclosures on patios has considerable more impact on condos than villas - apparently Terri Schwartz is the one instigating this new rule (she owns a villa). As the new proposed changes are written it appears that it could apply not only to back patios but also front courtyards (even if fenced and gated). Responsible pet owners here know that pets should never be left unattended on patios, but when we are outside with them, why can't we have a temporary enclosure so we can relax in the fresh air together? If you have a pet and you feel this will impact you as a lot of us do, please make your feelings known by emailing: [email protected] by February 28. It is frustrating that despite a large majority of homeowners here having dogs, we do not have a dedicated area for them (apparently Escena has three dog park areas). Passing these new rules will help ensure that any potential new homebuyers will view Desert Princess country club as pet unfriendly.
Lauren-Michelle Kraft
2/4/2023 06:55:12 pm
This is absolutely insane! I had some friends over the past weekend and was informed that our hot tubs were freezing. I'm on Zuni Court in the new villas. Since I moved here less than 2 years ago the HOA has increased over $100/mo and for what?! Pools being unheated in peak season, a fitness center that isn't open whenever anyone wants to use it. They try to sell you on all the amenities here but it's all BS. We don't need people working in the gym. Plenty of communities utilize key fobs and we could have a key fob system and a gym that can be utilized 24 hrs/day vs their very restrictive schedule. It's not like it's some super elite gym either (given the size and equipment available). I saw that the email address listed above is not working. How do we fix this and prevent the board from jsut continuing to steal our money for nothing?
Kathy Rogers
2/5/2023 07:24:11 am
There is a special meeting being held Monday morning at 9:00 AM specifically to discuss the pool heat issue. A notice is posted in Condo Communities. Please attend & provide your input to the board.
Lauren-Michelle Kraft
2/6/2023 07:29:42 pm
Hi Kathy,
2/6/2023 04:48:17 pm
Congratulations to all owners that offered feedback on the issue of pool heating. That commentary played no small role in the Board reversing their decision to rescind closing 1/2 of our community pools.
Lauren-Michelle Kraft
2/6/2023 07:31:02 pm
Hi Kim!
2/7/2023 08:29:16 am
Yes - The decision to not heat 1/2 the pools was REVERSED. All pools & hot tubs will be heated through the remainder of the season.
2/7/2023 03:15:22 pm
I agree with Kim about the value of this community blog to owners.
2/13/2023 08:47:53 am
I responded to Russ regarding this ridiculous idea and mentioned how unfair it is to those owners that are both full time and those that rent their units and never received a reply.. To shut off the pool heaters during the "high season" is beyond unreasonable. Some of us purchased our unit based on the proximity to a pool. Some of us are older and can't walk that "extra few steps" to another pool. It is high time to "drain the swamp" on our board. Think before you vote this time and in the future.
Also concerned
4/1/2023 07:01:57 pm
So we have established that a good proportion of home owners want at commons sense change of the of the way our community is run for the better, but we need to get the actual numbers to ascertain if we can make that change. Lets use this forum to do a straw poll to solidify the support for that change.
4/26/2023 02:45:57 pm
I agree
Kathy Klingele
5/26/2023 05:04:20 pm
Dear HOA Board,
Kathy Rogers
5/27/2023 07:24:58 am
Is this just for the summer months?
Kathy Klingele
5/29/2023 05:30:49 pm
Dear Board Members,
Kathy Klingele
5/29/2023 10:48:12 pm
Dear Jerry,
6/6/2023 09:35:17 am
We would sincerely love to Thank you! for reaching out to the Board . Thanking you!
6/6/2023 09:05:06 am
I'm curious if there would be a savings if all owners paid for their cable and internet individually. Some owners don't watch much TV, use streaming services and are only here for a few months each year. Yet they pay every month. That would certainly lower HOA fees and let owners decide what they want, need and when. Does anyone know the length of the current contract?
6/6/2023 10:20:21 am
Okay, you live here part-time why don't you pay your mortgage part-time. For only the time you here?
6/6/2023 12:37:01 pm
That makes no sense at all. Internet and Cable TV are a choice. Not a need. In fact most HOA' s don't include internet and cable. As they don't include electricity and gas.
6/6/2023 02:51:06 pm
Just asking, is anyone reading this?
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