This past Friday afternoon, the HOA and Board sent out a Newsletter on Condo Communities labeled “Misinformation”. The Board has decided that any information that was not provided by the board is “Harmful” to the community and the HOA has a responsibility to reinforce information that was already sent out by Peter Webb to all homeowners to defend his actions.
This raises the following questions:
The Blog would like to know your thoughts.
Desert princess homeowner
11/1/2021 08:25:34 pm
The board says that our reserves are in great shape. If that is true, why did we devalue our assets by $1.2 million. Was that to bring the reserves up to the stated 40%. Also, why did the HOA reserve study say that we have a high probability of assessments coming in the next 2 years followed by a high probability of additional assessments for the next 10 years?
11/1/2021 09:55:39 pm
Exactly my thoughts. If you look at the most recent summarized budget docs sent out to everyone, it clearly shows in the reserve fund section, that by around 2024, the risk is forecasted as HIGH for special assessments. I truly do not understand why we keep being told that this is not the case when it is clearly shown on these reports. Why does this keep getting glazed over? It doesn't make any sense!!!
11/2/2021 05:35:30 pm
As a former Board member, I can attest to the fact the reserve fund numbers are easily manipulated. I bear witness to this practice. By arbitrarily depreciating the value of our community assets in spite of expert assessments we paid for to obtain, we could provide a false narrative to the owners on the health of our reserve fund. This was only one of many issues I found that conflicted with my moral and ethical compass. Without doubt, those Board practices influenced my decision to not seek re-election to the Board. Kicking the can down the road must stop now. Desert Princess is worth fighting for and I'm proud to do so with the Respect4AllDPCC Committee owners.
Maggie Hood
11/1/2021 10:16:23 pm
And if the reserves are in "great shape" why did the raise each owners dues by$10 per month, specifically for reserves. I did not see the reserve study with the "high probability" of assessments. thanks for mentioning
11/2/2021 01:07:22 am
Ive said this many times and I’ll say it again. Regardless of their attitudes, performance and accountability the entire board has to go and restructure a new board. Not to say that some current board members wouldn’t be reelected, but why take the chance that the new President wouldn’t be sabotage. There’s always loyalty in good or bad.
Douglas K Good
11/2/2021 05:25:06 am
It is incorrect for the board to use HOA resources to clarify points for Peter Webb, what happening is that the “ ruling clique “ is now concerned about losing a major voice. Break up the “ ruling clique “
11/2/2021 05:54:09 am
We need to remove the problem that's creating all these issues. We are tired of being bullied treated like children !
Negative Blogs Continue
11/2/2021 09:56:35 am
Your continued questions insinuate terrible things without any proof!
Cyndie Barone
11/2/2021 11:05:50 am
Today I received an email written by Roy M. Gabriel in which he indicated he is now saving about $100 a month due to the new Spectrum contract. I am totally perplexed how come I am not saving $100 a month?? Here is the math:
11/2/2021 11:40:10 am
It's an "awesome community" if you have a "Private Country Club" for the Chosen 200, with the other morons paying the bills, and you can Golf for $10 a round everyday while reserving T-times that would actually generate real income.
11/2/2021 02:37:14 pm
Thank you Ned. You have articulated the plot of this tale perfectly. It's time to put this DP culture out to pasture where it belongs.
11/2/2021 02:39:23 pm
Thank you Ned. You've hit the nail on the head on all that has asked us for years.
A Golfer
11/2/2021 04:25:02 pm
Ned - The chosen 200 are not making the decisions around here. The Board tells us what to pay and we pay it. And remember, we are also homeowners and pay all of those fees too. And to get the cost per round down to $10 as you stated, you would have to play about 400 times a year. It's ridiculous to think anyone does that. You've fallen into the trap of hating the golfer out there who has nothing to do with your problems. Or should I say our problems since we are all homeowners.
11/3/2021 10:51:20 am
Hey Golfer....Does the "CoxGroup" still have a standing order to block off the best t-times each day for a large group?
11/3/2021 12:09:36 pm
Dear Golfer:
11/4/2021 06:35:24 pm
Mary Maloney
12/6/2021 09:01:42 pm
You speak the truth Ned!
11/2/2021 12:02:30 pm
I am curious. A the very top of the last posting by the board, they indicated, they are unable to take a position in either direction and then use the HOA website to take a position. Make this perplexed #2. If they are not allowed to take a position (their printed words) then how come they used the HOA communication system to state their position?
A Golfer
11/4/2021 05:16:49 am
Ned - You forgot to mention the Skins group, the Choose-ups, and the Ladies group. And these groups do not play every day. If these groups didn't have tee times pre-arranged the same people would only be booking their own times which wouldn't make any difference at all the amount of play by the members. If you checked with the Pro Shop you would find out that outside play is rarely turned away because of member groups. So in reality, the members are adding to the revenue stream through golf and the restaurant. And your math is still wrong because I can't think of anyone who would come close to playing over 300 times a year. You know, we have a golf course for a reason. Not only is it beautiful for everyone, but it is a nice facility for the homeowners to utilize. Maybe you should take up golf and utilize the restaurant and pay your fair share too.
11/2/2021 12:04:30 pm
Questions are simply that.....questions. I find the obvious anger in your post rather unjustified. All owners have the right to question the Board they elect. The Board, after all, is accountable to them. If questions are viewed as insinuations, frankly that is a problem for the angry minority who view them as such. I don't believe this is a negative is a crusade for open, honest and inclusive leadership for the ENTIRE community. If so many owners have so many questions, we may not be as awesome a community as you believe.
11/4/2021 11:19:34 am
It is acceptable for the board to answer misinformation. The problem is the board did not tell the truth when clarifying the misinformation!! That is a true fact. Believe what you want to believe.
11/2/2021 12:01:21 pm
The board acknowledges that they are required to remain neutral as regards the recall. Then, under the guise of correcting misinformation they go on a tirade against RESPECT4ALL. That is not neutral within the spirit of the law. Jerry Storage admitted in writing that security was involved in picking up the door hangers that were legally distributed by the recall committee. That was UNLAWFUL. The BOD lies to homeowners. The BOD disregards the law put forth under Davis-Stirling. At it's present rate DP will tip over based on the attempt by the board to maintain their private little golf course and their authoritarian rule.
11/3/2021 04:41:46 am
It seems like they were correcting misinformation. I don't think you can jump to the conclusion it was a tirade. Is there a different way they could have corrected the misinformation, without you arbitrarily deciding to call it a tirade? This kind of verbage is creating a very negative atmosphere. Furthermore:
11/3/2021 09:21:04 am
11/3/2021 12:07:21 pm
It may "seem" like they were correcting misinformation but in fact, did not. They show no proof of their position, and stated prior to stating their position, that they in fact are not allowed to do so. Personally, I am only taking into consideration what they themselves stated in their first sentence.
11/3/2021 12:55:34 pm
Peter has absolutely gone on a tirade.
11/18/2021 07:55:27 am
Why do they keep changing and or updating the C C & R ?
11/18/2021 07:53:29 am
Well said!
11/3/2021 01:43:21 pm
Let's not beat up on the golfers. I am happy that we have residents that play our course. The problem is golf operations and how that is being run. The course could be generating major revenue for the entire community. But due to poor operations, it does not. Our dues could actually be lowered if it were run correctly. We could have so many more amazing things, upgrades, etc in our community if the course were run properly. The course itself, the Country Club, the restaurant, the infrastructure, common areas throughout DP would ALL benefit without our dues raised IF the golf operations were on point.
11/3/2021 03:27:09 pm
Agree!!! Not beating on golfers (in my last comment) just directing my response to the person who was named GOLFER. I agree with you a million percent. If we encouraged people not living in DP to come use our course, upgraded the restaurant, held tastings, had more varied menu, perhaps leased it out with a participation lease agreement, had someone dedicated to renting it out for special other words, utilized the facilities we have to generate outside income, then all of the income would not weigh on the shoulders (bank accounts) of residents. Currently it is owners who use the golf course, and restaurant with limited outside appeal. Then when there is a budget need, it falls back on to the owners. We could be a destination like so many other courses and restaurants (think Escena's restaurant), this untapped income could offset budget shortfalls without dipping into our pockets repeatedly.
11/3/2021 05:54:03 pm
Ann, you are absolutely right. In my role as the sponsor of record for the hundreds of recall petitioners, I have become the target of retribution from not only a few uninformed homeowners, but also the recipient of an intimidating letter from our HOA. interestingly enough, it belies any claim they have made that they are required by California statute to remain neutral in this recall process.
11/4/2021 06:56:41 pm
Michelle, Even in the rebuttal of your (i.e our) reason's for the removal of our BOD President, Peter Webb remains defiant, actually delusional in his arguments. BTW I did not know that you are Canadian, like that would make any difference. The fact that Peter Webb used his and yours national origin as a reason for his inability to fulfill his duties, is further proof, that at least Peter Webb breaks US and California anti discriminatory laws. Terry Swartz is another Director that expressed discriminatory views, and should also be ousted. It gave me great pleasure to cast my two properties vote supporting Peter Webb's removal.
Terry Albright
11/5/2021 11:55:59 am
Peter Webb's latest proclamation of his greatness from the BOD e-mail blast of 11/6/21 reminds me of Mark Twain's comment concerning a new dinner guest at his table. "The louder he spoke of his virtue, the faster I counted the spoons."
11/5/2021 01:48:35 pm
Terry, you are quite correct in your assessment of Mr. Webb's latest, albeit repetitive claims to the virtues of his leadership. It's most interesting that he has failed to comment on nor defend what hundreds of owners who instigated and signed the recall petition found most offensive......his divisive, dictatorial and disrespectful approach to governance. He continues to reference the achievements of the Board, which have never been under question by this initiative. It was always about the inexcusable disregard of the feedback from a good many owners by it's leader.
11/5/2021 04:10:38 pm
I did not have an opinion one way or the other until I joined in on one of the ZOOM HOA meetings. And it was Mr. Webb himself helped me decide.
Terry Albright
11/7/2021 02:20:06 pm
The meeting on Saturday was very informative and well presented. The info about fines was eye-opening. My wife and I were accused of missing two payment with accompanied fines. We traced the checks, one of which had cleared our bank. Turns out both checks were posted to an incorrect account by Management Trust which took four days for them to find the money. They waved the fines and the individual we worked with at MT was very professional and friendly in the end.Turns out many other homeowners had the same issue. The amount of the new fine schedule is ridiculous. This is our current BOD's idea of creating revenue streams. Kind of makes one think that the BOD has a very low opinion of homeowners doesn't it?
11/7/2021 03:47:05 pm
EVERYONE I personally know in Desert Princess has had fines levied on them for "late" or "missing" payments. Homeowners have to spend a good deal of their time to prove themselves innocent. In all of these cases, myself included the homeowner has been in the right (having paid their dues on time.) There is gross mismanagement taking place in accounts payable.
david farrar
11/15/2021 09:00:53 am
We agree. We were fined for false accusations with absolutely NO proof!
Mary Maloney
12/6/2021 09:07:42 pm
Had the same thing happen. They were posting our payments to the wrong apology, but the burden of proof was on us.
11/7/2021 05:01:16 pm
That “postmarks don’t count”, when determining if an HOA fee payment is considered on time or late (and hence subject to a fine), is most egregious, and beyond aggressive. Even the CA Tax Franchise Board (not known for their forgiving and friendly manner), accepts postmarks, so do credit card and mortgage companies, the IRS, banks, utility companies, and City agencies when you pay a ticket, . Also, taking into consideration the known mail delivery slowdown (as reported by CBS), and the shortened grace period you have (what in the business world) is officially called “an income generator”. One would think, knowing the mail is taking longer, our fellow homeowners (on the board), would extend the grace period or at the very least, accept postmarks. I see this move as nothing less than a backhanded way of increasing revenue under the guise of discouraging late payments.
11/8/2021 03:03:01 pm
Yes CB... you are right on. It is outrageous and quite a racket!
Terry Albright
11/8/2021 11:14:56 am
Quite a "puff piece" came out recently from a very ardent admirer of Peter Webb. By this person's accounts Peter will be the next recipient of the Nobel prize. Rumor has it however that the author of this love letter is engaged in a long running dispute involving various violations of HOA rules. Could this letter of gratuitous praise for the president of the BOD be a attempt to settle out of court shall we say? Sounds suspiciously like a quid pro quo. Just asking.
Tom Rosa
11/9/2021 02:36:05 pm
APATHY has been the steady diet here for many years. The "Golf Pro" has been a bland and unserious guy since he got here oh so many years ago. I stopped playing here along with some of my neighbors for exactly that reason. I don't need to be brow beat by a guy who can hit a 5 iron because I'm 5 min late. The golf operation could generate much more revenue with the correct person at the helm. But No ,we languished with that guy for years. Golf and the restaurant are amenities for the homeowners, as such the cost of the operation should be divided by the total home ownership and we all should pay " our fare share " (libtard saying ) . Or do an annual minimum at the restaurant which our other club does. Very little here has ever been looked at like a business / owner would. Bloated payroll, inferior employees, no cost controls. It runs like a government agency. Always someone else to pay the bill ( homeowners ) in this case. In almost 20 years as an owner and 15 years full time resident I have seen it all. Wash / Rinse / Repeat. So recall Peter Webb. John Purdy and Brad Bachtelle will save the day. SPARE ME. Just another two guys with very high opinions of themselves and a lot of free time. Hopefully our home will sell quickly and we can move to our NON HOA home where we can live our life without 10 Emails a weeks from 2 bored guys.
11/9/2021 04:19:53 pm
Mr. Rosa, you obviously confuse caring with bored. Your rant indicates that clearly by being golfcentric and one dimensional you have been part of the problem, not part of a solution. I and many others share your hope for a quick sale of your home. Don't let our front gate hit you on your backside on your way out.
Tom Rosa
11/10/2021 07:13:50 am
Jessica, I have played golf exactly ZERO times this year so my opinion is NOT golf centric. I was simply illustrating that marginal employees are never removed for basic incompetency. My rant as you put it, was meant to draw attention to the basic thought that no matter who is on the board things don't change much. You don't know me. There was a time I went to every board meeting and voiced my concerns to deaf ears. I actually volunteered to be on a committee for the master plan. Which is what I do for a living. I was passed over because I was " not in the club" My neighbors most of whom we have known for 15 + years are sad to see us go. See they actually know that I care. I put my name on my "rant" because I am transparent You did not identify who you are. Why? I am NOT one dimensional, I'm thoughtful and honest. I have seen the individuals involved in the recall run down anyone who they don't agree with over the years. I'm happy to sit down and have a conversation about this. I really hope this situation improves for the community ( even you Jessica ) But given the history, I don't have much faith it will. Wash/ Rinse/ Repeat
Retaliation is alive and well in DP
11/10/2021 11:33:09 am
Dear Mr. Rosa,
david farrar
11/15/2021 08:53:32 am
John & Brad we want to Thank You for everything you are doing!
11/10/2021 11:50:38 am
I would have believed you were more than one dimensional and golfcentric if that hadn't been the core of your post. I also found it offensive that you chose to disparage and dismiss both Mr. Purdy and Mr. Bachtelle for their efforts to change the divisive culture that has existed for decades in Desert Princess. To attempt to change that culture, no matter how many tries it may take is to be commended. To accept the status quo dooms our community to failure.
11/10/2021 01:03:33 pm
Agree with you Jessica. Tom, you original post felt like a mixed message to me. One that agrees there are things that need to change, but then "why bother". I get that you are leaving so none of this matters to you anymore, which begs me to ask - then why post on this blog? I for one, feel like John & Brad spent a lot of time, looking into things and putting together an informational presentation. This is not because they are bored, but because they care. And I firmly believe, they care about more than themselves, or a small group of friends/family but about us the homeowners who believe that things can change and that things SHOULD change regardless of history. If that were the case for everything, so many things that we know, experience and enjoy today, simply would not exist. Thanks Brad and John for all the time and effort you put into the presentation.
Tom Rosa
11/10/2021 02:25:44 pm
I promise last post, The reason I posted in the first place was to point out that this has been going on for years here. The more things change the more they stay the same. Although well intentioned ( perhaps ) the humans in question have been stirring the pot for years to NO AVAIL. That is my point. Get It ! Mark my words, 5 years from now NOTHING will have changed for the better. ( I hope it does ) But given my 19 years on this property, Nothing is better than it was 19 years ago. And so it goes. I will you all well.
Terry Albright
11/10/2021 03:24:09 pm
Mary Maloney
12/6/2021 09:15:22 pm
The years of culture and climate at DP is based in Management Trust. There has been no change in the points that Tom makes because the same people have been in charge. It hasn't been run like a business, but instead a private club fully funded by homeowners. Our PUBLIC golf course IS NOT EVEN listed on the most popular golf apps for goodness sake!!!!!
11/13/2021 03:23:50 pm
Thank you Tom for clarifying your remarks. I now understand where you were coming from. The DP culture has been baked in for a generation and I appreciate your wishing us well in our endeavors to eliminate the caste system that has prevailed in Desert Princess for decades. All my best wishes to you in your new community..
11/15/2021 08:11:28 am
Has anyone noticed that the landscapers are around more. WOW we have flowers this year. Whoopie !
11/16/2021 03:25:09 pm
Judge, I couldn't agree more. It is however, most unfortunate that many of those lovely blooms were ripped out by the roots from my front garden. It certainly begs the question: Was this a form of retribution for my sponsorship of a COMMUNITY based petition to recall Mr. Webb or the result of destructive behavior by errant desert critters?
11/18/2021 03:53:12 pm
In my opinion there is a group that gossip about who they let in there group or not. AK Susan.
Vote for Kindness
11/22/2021 01:35:06 pm
I truly hope that our fellow homeowners have voted with their heart and conscience. We need a new leader who is kind. Please return kindness to DP.
12/6/2021 12:48:35 pm
The closing statements made by Peter Webb today were repulsive and were yet another demonstration of one of the main reasons a recall was launched in the first place. Most human beings I know, whom had they been in a similar situation, would have offered closing statements of gratitude for the support to remain in the position and perhaps even words of Unity to own up to the fact that perhaps he had demonstrated less than in the past.
12/6/2021 05:36:18 pm
Dare I ask what he said?
12/7/2021 08:49:49 am
Unfortunately, what he said isn't worth the time or energy to type out. All I have to say is how disappointing that Peter has not self reflected at all after this experience. He is divider. It really is a shame that more did not take this opportunity to make a change at DP that it so desperately needs.
12/7/2021 10:43:31 am
I actually got a synopsis of what he said. I feel bad that his dog who I guess can read, does not have his own TV show. That being said, hoping he had the ability to self-reflect....if he had that in him, there would never have been a recall process. So close....
12/7/2021 07:49:58 pm
The message distributed by Peter this evening was a step in the right direction. He or one of his cohorts must be reading this blog. So to the naysayers out there about this blog, it does help and make a difference. It offers a place for the uncensored (by the BOD) voices to be heard. I am glad to see that we were heard on some level. That message that was sent out this evening, would have never been sent, had "someone" not been reading this blog. Lastly, I hope that he really means that he will do his best to "win your trust and confidence by understanding your concerns and suggestions." One can only hope. And time will tell.
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